WS-TS-5 Traditional Series 60" Stone Hearth Oven

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Product Overview

Stone Hearth Ovens

Traditional Series 5′

Introducing the Traditional Series from Wood Stone. Want an oven with an Old World look? Now you don’t have to sacrifice performance to get it! Authentic handcrafted beauty on the outside with Wood Stone on the inside. Old World Meets New World.

Traditional Series Product Details

Introducing the Traditional Series from Wood Stone. Want an oven with an Old World look? Now you don’t have to sacrifice performance to get it! Authentic handcrafted beauty on the outside with Wood Stone on the inside. Old World Meets New World.The Traditional Series 5' oven features a door opening 29.75
inches wide x 10 inches high. The oven floor diameter is 52

inches, resulting in a 15-square-foot cooking surface. A tensioned

steel exoskeleton surrounding the hearth and dome perimeter

ensures structural integrity and longevity. Wrapped in spun

ceramic fiber insulation and requiring only a 1-inch side clear
ance to combustibles, the monolithic 4-inch thick cast-ceramic

hearth and monolithic 4-inch thick dome rest on an open black

painted steel stand. The oven body is finished with a stainless

steel mesh exterior to allow for field application of stucco or tile.

A stainless steel service panel is provided. Information about

alternate burner configurations, arches, stand wrap, tools and

accessories can be found online at:


Configured to burn either natural gas (NG) or
liquid propane (LP).*

RADIANT FLAME (RFG): Heated by an easily adjust-
able radiant flame (105,000 BTU/hr max. NG) located in

the rear of the cooking chamber. User control ensures the

ability to balance the oven’s radiated top heat with the heat

being conducted and radiated from the floor.

In addition to the radiant flame, a 83,000 BTU/hr (NG)

thermostatically controlled infrared burner is mounted

under the oven deck to ensure high production capacity

with no heat recovery issues.

WOOD-FIRED (W): Wood-fired only.
WOOD WITH GAS ASSIST (W-IR): This wood-fired model
is assisted by the additional BTUs of an Underfloor IR burner.

A wood fire is required with this configuration.
COMBINATION (-W): Allows optional wood burning for
ovens with gas burner configurations.*
Note: Adding wood to an
oven with an RFG burner will reduce available hearth capacity.

*Gas type must be specified at time of order.FACADE INFORMATION
This oven ships “facade-ready.” It is finished with
a stainless wire mesh over the exterior dome

ready for stucco/tile application by others.

All facades or enclosures are by others.
All TS ovens require a 1" side clearance and
14" top clearance to combustible construction.

Any construction 6" to either side of the oven

doorway and above must be non-combustible.

Any facade or enclosure below the mantle of
Gas-Fired or Combination ovens must allow for:

Unobstructed access for removal of
service/intake panel.

Easy access to all controls.
Sufficient combustion air for gas burners; see
Installation and Operation Manual for details

Traditional Series Hearth Pizza Capacities SPEC SHEET 

Traditional Series 5' 12-16 10-12 8 5
Traditional Series 6' 18-22 14-16 10-12 6-8


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